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Why is volatility so low?

Watch Alastair MacLeod discuss with Juliette Saly on ausbiz the reasons why volatility is currently so low for equity indexes and why this can create an opportunity for protecting portfolios.
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French vote – an opportunity for contrarian investors?

Alastair MacLeod talked to Nadine Blaney from ausbiz about how the situation in France could lead to a paradigm shift in the European markets and its impact downunder.
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Peak Concentration?

Alastair MacLeod talked to Juliette Saly from ausbiz about the current AI investment trends; but is this idea running out of steam? Recent performance of the top stocks from the
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Mag-7 looking too pricey? An equal-weighted index could be an alternative

Alastair MacLeod recently joined Juliette Saly on ausbiz to talk about equal-weighted versus cap-weighted index exposures.
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What volatility tells us about the markets

With the recent downturn in the US markets, Alastair MacLeod, Managing Director, joined Juliette Saly from ausbiz to talk more about what volatility levels mean for the markets and what
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Compounding and taxes: a checklist for investors

While the allure of compounding returns often takes centre stage in investment discussions, the reality for taxpayers is more nuanced. The undeniable presence of taxes can significantly affect the trajectory
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