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Enquiries and Complaints

The Responsible Entity has established procedures for dealing with complaints. If an investor has a complaint, they can contact the Responsible Entity and/or the Investment Manager during business hours, using contact details provided in the PDS or listed below.

Please contact Wheelhouse during business hours (9am to 5pm Brisbane time). The details for Wheelhouse are as follows:

Tel:           07 3041 4224

Address: 23 Maud St
Newstead QLD 4006

We will endeavour to resolve your complaint fairly and as quickly as we can. We will respond to your complaint within the maximum response timeframe of 30 days. If we are unable to respond within the maximum response time because we have not had a reasonable opportunity to do so, we will write to you to let you know of the delay.

All investors (regardless of whether you hold Units in the Fund directly or hold Units indirectly via a Platform) can access the Responsible Entity’s complaints procedures outlined above. If investing via a Platform and your complaint concerns the operation of the Platform then you should contact the Platform operator directly.

If an investor is not satisfied with the final complaint outcome proposed, any aspect of the complaints handling process or a delay in responding by the maximum response time, the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) may be able to assist. AFCA operates the external complaints resolution scheme of which the Responsible Entity is a member. If you seek assistance from AFCA, their services are provided at no cost to you.

You can contact AFCA via the following channels.

Mail Australian Financial Complaints Authority, GPO Box 3, Melbourne VIC 3001
Telephone 1800 931 678 (free call)
Email [email protected]

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